Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Day 26: Indianola, Iowa

It was nice to not have to drive very far today…

I got to sleep in for a little while!  The concert, tonight, was about a half hour away from where I'm staying, and there was a good-sized audience…probably about 400-500 people or so.

Tomorrow, I've got a long drive to Yankton, South Dakota (about 4 hours) and then a concert at night.  Hopefully I won't meet any snow or anything on the way!




  1. Charlie, you seem to be really enjoying your touring adventure. Good to know there is some 'down time' to eat and sleep! Keep up your strength. I'm sure it's exciting to perform in so many different places. Seems like you're hitting every high school auditorium in the mid west- such a fan base, how lucky they are to have the opportunity to hear your beautiful music.. You photos are great, keep em' coming. Eyes on the road, Enjoy, Travel Safe . Michael O'

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