Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Smashing my hand into the doorframe...

Hurts.  Really bad.


So I was running to answer the door to receive a care package my mom sent, and proceeded to smash my hand into the doorframe...the hardest I think I ever have.  Almost crumbling to the ground, I found that I was bleeding...and that my hand proceeded to swell to gigantic proportions shortly thereafter.  It's especially great to do so a few days before a two-week stint of performances and travel.

So I couldn't really practice for 2-3 days, but the hand is now better!  It just got a bit bruised up for a couple days.  :P

"Read more" to read more.

Swollen hand
The package I was running to get.

To reduce swelling

Cooling medicine (Pass) (파스)

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