Monday, February 15, 2016

Review | "Breathtaking, unbelievable control and speed, what we saw seemingly impossible, yet tossed off with no apparent effort."

Review - The Boston Musical Intelligencer
Full Review:

"Breathtaking, unbelievable control and speed, what we saw seemingly impossible, yet tossed off with no apparent effort."
"Brilliant and fun pianism rewarded those of us who braved the bitterly cold Sunday afternoon. Albright’s marvelous touch came with clearly articulated tones in both hands, left and right as independent as you’ll ever hear, while his stunning technique disappeared into the music. Most striking, however, was the joy he radiated throughout; Albright clearly loves sharing his playing with us."
"He found the complexity in the score itself and brought out the Mozart’s richness."
"His wide range of touch comprised legato arpeggios in the third, big staccato chords in the fourth, and a light skipping tinged with sadness in the fifth. The minor key eighth variation was taken poco adagio, melancholy and regretful, suffused with the solemn grandeur of a bygone baroque era. The final variation was played allegro vivace, with beautiful running fingerwork in the left hand as the theme rang out triumphantly in the right."

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